Artificial Habitats Implementation for in situ Conservation and Growth of Ecological and Economical Important Species at Pozos Colorados Bay, Santa Marta, Department of Magdalena, Colombian Caribbean, 2012 – 2013.
In the frame of artificial reefs project at the Bay of Pozos Colorados, Phase I, ECOPETROL S.A. in agreement with the University of Magdalena, who manage the financial resources, contracted MoAm services intending to conduct a socio-productive process for growing and conservation of important species, through the implementation of artificial habitats and at the same time, to evaluate the possibility of practice at pilot productive scale.
The activities developed until now are bibliographic information review, technological transference to local communities, supplies, and building of artificial habitats, biodiversity evaluation, fish and invertebrate settlement, a pilot culture of spiny lobster Panulirus argus, physical and chemical characterization, environmental education and divulgation.