Artificial Reefs Pozos Colorados

Project of Artificial Reefs in Pozos Colorados Bay, Santa Marta, Department of Magdalena, Colombian Caribbean, 2009 – 2017.

ECOPETROL S.A. within the policy of corporate social responsibility in its influence area, began the development of an artificial reef project in Pozos Colorados Bay, with the intention to promote biodiversity conservation, ecotourism, and the technical-organizational strengthening of local fishermen communities. For this project, ECOPETROL S.A. generated alliances with the University of Magdalena as the managing institution of the agreement in Stage I and with the Port Society Foundation of Santa Marta in Stage II. Evenly, the project has strategically allies such as Drummond Ltd., the Colombian Institute of Rural Development (INCODER), the National Authority of Aquaculture and Fishing (AUNAP), Irotama Hotel, Estelar Hotels in Santa Marta, and the Colombian National Army through Coast Guard.

Since the beginning of this process until now, MoAm has been performing in a variety of activities within the different stages, such as:

  • Creation of project’s profile and assessment programs
  • Secondary bibliography review
  • Management for licenses and permissions
  • Design, spatial configuration and advice for the deployment of the ARs
  • Evaluation of the artisanal fishery in the influence area of the project
  • Obtention of socio-economic information
  • Ecological and physicochemical characterisation before ARs deployment
  • Physical diagnosis of the deployed reefs
  • Assessment of the ecological dynamic, biodiversity and productivity of the ARs with the participation of the fishermen communities beneficiaries of the project
  • Environmental education with the artisanal fishermen communities
  • Surveillance and control of the ARs area with the support of the Coast Guard
  • Presentation of results locally and internationally
  • Publications