Feasibility study for the development of artificial reefs in the Bajo Baudó, Chocó, Pacific of Colombia 2023
The department of Chocó is one of the most biodiverse regions in Colombia, which supports marine and coastal artisanal fisheries of high importance for the local economy. Besides is a scenario of varied management strategies to the natural resources. To contribute to the sustainability of the community livelihoods, the MarViva Foundation in the frame of the project “Public participation: sustainable and inclusive oceanic economy in Colombia” cofinanced by the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation – NORAD, set out the implementation of new productive alternatives with the development of pilot artificial reefs advised by MoAm. The objective of this tool is the diversification of fishes and low-impact artisanal fisheries in the Bajo Baudó
The first step in this process is the execution of a feasibility study to fulfill the requirements of the Colombian institutions for the deployment of artificial reefs, summarized by the General Maritime Direction in the Resolution 0075 of 2014. The study includes the following activities: