Delgadillo-G O. 2023. Drifing through artificial reefs: fishing tradition, biodiversity, and ecotourism in Colombia. Agenda del Mar 2023. Medellín, Colombia.
Flórez P, Di Martino E, Ramalho LV. 2021. Early miocene coral reef-associated bryozoans from Colombia. Part II: “Ascophora” Cheilostomatida. Journal of Paleontology: 1-30. DOI 10.1017/jpa.2021.94
Franco-L LC, Delgadillo-G O. 2021. A new sighting of killer whale, Orcinus orca, in Caribbean inshore waters off Colombia. Ciencias Marinas 47(1): 61-70. DOI 10.7773/cm.v47i1.3129
Delgadillo-G O, Toro NN. 2018. An integrative artificial reef project for conservation and coastal management in the Colombian Caribbean. In: Bortone SA (Ed) Marine Artificial Reef Research and Development: Integrating Fisheries Management Objectives. American Fisheries Society, Symposium 86, Bethesda, Maryland, USA. pp. 215-234.
Delgadillo-G O, Ruíz-A T. 2016. A bathymetric study to support management plans for La Caimanera coastal lagoon, Gulf of Morrosquillo, Colombia. Journal of Coastal Conservation Planning and Management, 20(3): 237-244. DOI 10.1007/s11852-016-0434-z
MoAm. 2015. Artificial reefs in Pozos Colorados Bay. Biodiversity, conservation and socio-economic strengthening. Delgadillo-G O, Doria S (Eds.). Ecopetrol, Universidad del Magdalena and MoAm Monitoreos Ambientales. Institutional Publication No. 1 ISBN 978-958-58903-0-5. Santa Marta, Colombia. 60 p.
Delgadillo-G O, Flórez P. 2015. First records of Phylum Bryozoa associated to artificial habitats in the Colombian Caribbean. Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research, 43 (1): 33-45.
Delgadillo-Garzón O, Toro-Ballesteros N, . Candelario-Peña S, Guerrero-Utría E. 2013. Artificial reefs and habitats at Pozos Colorados Bay, Santa Marta, Colombia. 8th International Multipurpose Reef & Surf Science Symposium. Session V Reef Biology. IMPRS 2013. 116 p.
Delgadillo-Garzón O, Delgado-Cuadros F, Henríquez RM, García LM, Ruíz-Álvarez T, Zamora-Guzmán A, Martínez K, Blanco F, Coronado-Luna G, Mogollón MJ, Puerta-Padilla F, Jiménez JC, Navarro L, Vishnoff IMJ, Perdomo-Ramos SN. 2010. Progress and challenges of Program Diaspora: Artificial reefs in the gulf of Morrosquillo, Colombian Caribbean. 561-565. In: INVEMAR-ACIMAR (Eds.) XIV National Seminar of Sea Sciences and Technologies (SENALMAR). Invemar Series of Special Publications No. 21. Santa Marta, 578 p.
Vishnoff IMJ, Delgadillo-Garzón O. 2010. Coverage of the sessile biota associated with four artificial reefs in the gulf of Morrosquillo, Colombian Caribbean. 367-372. In: INVEMAR-ACIMAR (Eds.). XIV National Seminar of Sea Sciences and Technologies (SENALMAR). Invemar Series of Special Publications No. 21. Santa Marta, 578 p.
Delgadillo-Garzón O, García CB. 2009. Impact of two artificial reefs on diurnal artisanal fishing at gulf of Morrosquillo, Colombian Caribbean. International Journal of Tropical Biology and Conservation, 57(4): 993-1007.
Delgadillo-Garzón O. 2009 Fishes and mobile macroinvertebrates of artificial habitats in Taganga Bay, Colombian Caribbean. Bulletin of Marine and Coastal Research, 38(1): 197-204.
Delgadillo-Garzón O, Zapata-Ramírez P. 2009. Rapid assessment of reef fishes and their relationship with substrate structure at Rosario Islands, marine protected area from Colombian Caribbean. Journal of the Colombian Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences, 33(127): 273-283.
Delgadillo-Garzón O, Newmark F. 2008. Pilot culture of red seaweeds (Rhodophyta) in Portete bay, La Guajira, Colombia. Bulletin of Marine and Coastal Research, 37(2): 7-26.
Delgadillo-Garzón O, Zapata-Ramírez P. 2007. Natural context of underwater cultural heritage in the Bay of Cartagena: Perspectives for interdisciplinary studies and utilization potential. Historical Archeology and Arqueological Tales on Land and Water. Memories of the North University. Year 4, Number 7. Uninorte, Barranquilla. Colombia. ISSN 1794-8886.
Delgadillo O, García CB, Correa J. 2004. Temporal dynamic of fishes assemblages on two artificial reefs in Morrosquillo gulf, Colombian Caribbean. Biological Actualities, 26(81): 219-230.