Design of a biodiversity monitoring program for the strategy of socio-ecosystem connectivities in the Colombian Caribbean – Conexión BioCaribe, 2017 – 2019.
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations – FAO leads the project “Implementation of the socio-ecosystem connectivities approach for the conservation and biodiversity use in the Colombian Caribbean – Conexión BioCaribe” with the support of strategic partners such as the GEF – Global Environmental Facility and executed along with the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, National Natural Parks, Regional Autonomous Corporations and Departmental Governments.
The project goal is to reduce the degradation and fragmentation of the strategic ecosystems through the connection between national and regional protected areas. This is based on the territorial stewardship of the connectivity, the sustainable production models, tools for landscape management, governance, institutionalization, and sustainability of the strategy.
In the frame of this project MoAm conducts the design of a biodiversity monitoring program to the species, ecosystem, and ecosystem services level in the Caribbean. This program should operate in an inter-institutional and participative approach with the local communities in the protected areas and connectivity corridors for the departments where the strategy is executed. The design is established through the following activities:
- State of the art of monitoring programs and initiatives for biodiversity assessment
- Identification, prioritization, and participative definition of assessment objects (species, communities, ecosystems, and ecosystem services), as well as geographic areas
- Establishment of indicators for biodiversity and ecosystem services
- Analysis of connectivity to the diversity level in marine, coastal and terrestrial ecosystems
- Preliminary analysis of vulnerability for tropical dry forest
- Pilot and participative monitoring of biodiversity in prioritized areas, species, ecosystems, and services
- Assessment of the diversity of birds in coastal lagoons, dry tropical forests, mangrove forests, coastal wetlands, islands, and creeks in the northern Gulf of Morrosquillo, Sucre
- Assessment of the artisanal fishery capacity, activity, and diversity in the northern Gulf of Morrosquillo, Sucre
- Assessment of the diversity of fishes, mobile macroinvertebrates, and benthic component of coral reefs ecosystems in the north of Sucre
- Participative application of marine turtles indicators in Rincón del Mar, northern Gulf of Morrosquillo, Sucre
- Participative monitoring of endangered species from the artisanal fishery activity in Berrugas and Rincón del Mar, northern Gulf of Morrosquillo, Sucre
- Participative monitoring of mangrove forest structure and phyto-sanitary status in the northern Gulf of Morrosquillo, Sucre
- Participative assessment of prioritize ecosystem services in the northern Gulf of Morrosquillo, Sucre
- Participative monitoring of primates and other mammals in tropical dry forest of Montes de María, San Juan Nepomuceno, Bolívar
- Establishment of a training protocol for key stakeholders to conduct biodiversity monitoring
- Validated design for biodiversity monitoring in the Caribbean